... and that’s okay. As a freelancer, my to-do list always seems to be a mile and a half long, and my weeks always seem completely full. (I’m sure I’m not the only one to feel that way.) To keep myself on track, I try to schedule a day off every so often so I don’t get burned out. I’m okay at taking time off. I love unplugging and relaxing. What I’m not good at is letting things go. When you are your own boss, when your income and the success of your business is dependent on you and you alone, it can be almost impossible to let things go. If I think of anything that will improve my business – a change to my website, a potential client I want to contact, a new subject I want to study – ... Read more
How to Choose Your Social Media
When I talk with clients about their online presence, one of the first questions I get is, “How many social media accounts should I have?”
My answer:
More than zero – because I think everyone should have a LinkedIn account. Beyond that, though... it depends.
I know, that’s not very helpful, is it? Don’t worry, I’ll go a little ... Read more
Do You Need Professional Development When You’re Self-Employed?
The short answer is yes. No matter where you are in your career, you still need professional development. The long answer is also yes. Most big businesses offer professional development to their employees. Training courses, paid education, seminars or workshops... it’s in their best interest that employees develop and master new skills. But if you’re a freelancer, entrepreneur, or small business owner... well, sometimes professional development gets left behind. ... Read more
You Need a Marketing System
When I start working with clients, I like to take a look at their online marketing. Do they have a blog? Do they have social media accounts? Do they offer free content in exchange for joining their email list? Usually, the answer to these questions is yes. Business owners read about online marketing tools and immediately set them up for their own company. But that’s where it stops: the blog is mostly blank; the social media accounts are inactive; potential customers enter their email address but don’t see an email for weeks. ... Read more
You Need a Schedule
What did you do yesterday? If you had a 9-5 job, the answer might be “Got up, ate breakfast, went to work, worked, had lunch, worked some more, went home...” But when you’re a freelancer or run your business from home, the answer gets a little more complicated. “Got up, had coffee, checked my email, checked my Twitter, sent some emails, ate breakfast, did some work, put on the laundry, made more coffee, went for a run, answered the phone when my mother called, sent another email, did some more work, put the laundry in the dryer, checked my Twitter again..." ... Read more