Oof. If we’re being honest here (and I think we should) June was a month that kicked my butt.
Moving (twice, because the first time was into a storage unit, and the second time was out of it) + a family wedding + my husband starting a MEd program + two BIG client projects on two VERY tight deadlines + being pregnant (btw) = an exhausting few weeks.
(I was lucky that one of those weeks was spent at the beach, though in reality that meant “working FT+ days with a really nice view and many of my favorite people nearby” more than it meant “vacation.”)
And when I get crazy busy, the first thing to suffer is my own blogging/tweeting/marketing, because I still have trouble prioritizing my own business. (You too?) So this last week is a recovery week, a get-myself-back-together week, which means regularly scheduled posts will resume in July.
In the meantime, I’ve collected some of my favorite articles + posts + pieces of advice from around the internet to share with you. Because this is one of those times when I feel like everything else is much more on top of things than I am!
Must-Read Links for June
The ultimate guide to repurposing your blog content (so you can reach more people by doing less). Don’t know about you, but this is clearly something I need!
Launching a new product or service? Not sure a web designer is in the budget? Then you need these 6 tips for creating a killer DIY sales page.
Not only do you need pictures of yourself on your sales page for the trust factor alone, but these images are great to use for row background photos that you can overlay with text. If you’re not going to invest in a your sales page design, do invest in having at least a few pro photos of yourself done so you can avoid cropping your tipsy BFF out of the photo from the last wedding you were at. That’s not the kind of impression you want to make.
And if that new thing you’re launching is a course (but really, it’s applicable to anything) you MUST check out the real truth behind most course launches. Because the world of internet launches needs more real truth.
And humor. Truth + humor = excellent.
A lot of marketing information out there is for B2C businesses. But here’s a great guide to emotional targeting for B2B companies.
The “secret trick” to delivering consistent customer service. Because you know I love a good system.
No matter what your career or job situation looks like right now, even if you’re not loving it, there are important lessons to be learned from every situation.
Learning by watching, reading or discussing has its place in the learning process. But the 20% effort that will get you 80% of the results… is learning by actually doing it yourself. It’s the fastest and most effective way to learn anything.
How to become the person who never misses a deadline.
Networking is rough, amiright? Luckily, there are types of online content that do your networking + community building for you!
I had a crazy busy June, which probably means July will be slower than normal. So I’m loving this list of 40 things to do when business is slow. Numbers 4,5,6, and 27 are definitely on my list.
On that same page, try these eight tweaks that will make your website instantly better and more customer-friendly.
You don’t have a lot of time to capture customers’ attention when they land on your website. Statistics about how much time vary; some studies say 20 seconds, other say as little as 8 seconds. Either way, it’s not a lot of time — and if they can’t find what they’re looking for in that time, they’re even more likely to click away.
Simple and successful branding tips for first-time entrepreneurs. Because every business needs to stand out!
Slack is a great tool for small businesses, and a number of my clients use it. But if you use and love Slack, remember that nothing online is 100% private.
Plus a few posts around here that you might have missed:
six small business owners share what they wish they knew in year one + customer service in the online world + growing a business, finishing school, and still managing to pay your bills
Thanks for your patience in the last few weeks… I’ll be back to regular posting in July with some exciting new content, including my first-ever call for guest posts!
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